The country of Eurasia is Turkey

The country of Eurasia ( Europe Asia ) is Turkey. A quadrilateral country . The Xian Sea and Greece to the west of the country ; Northeast Georgia , Armenia and the Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan Nakhchivan ; Formerly Iran ; To the south are Iraq , Syria and the Mediterranean. Europe's confluence with Europe has had a profound effect on the evolution of Turkish history and culture. Throughout the history of human civilization, Turkey has served as a bridge between the peoples of Asia and Europe. Turkey's own identity has been shaped by a variety of influences, and this rich culture has influenced its architecture ,In fine arts , music and literature. Many past traditions and customs are still preserved in the countryside. Almost the whole of Turkey falls in the Asian part , the mountainous Anatolia or the Asia Minor Peninsula. The Turkish capital Ankara is located in Anatolia. The rest of Turkey is called Eastern or Turkish Thrace, and it is located in the southeastern corner of Europe. Turkey has a wide coastline , which makes up three-quarters of the country's borders. Three strategically important waterways separate Asia and Europe from Turkey: the Marmara Sea and the Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelle Strait . Together, these three waterways form the only way from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea.

Capital: Ankara

Area: 7 lakh 63 thousand 358 square kilometers

Population: eight crore eight lakh 10 thousand 525 people.

Ethnic groups: Turkish , Kurdish , Arab , Laj, etc.

Religion: Muslims 99.06 percent and Christians 0.02 percent.

Official language: Turkish

Legislature: Grand National Assembly

Currency: Turkish Lira

Joined the United Nations: 24 October 1945.

Introduction to Turks -

The ancient history of the Turks is not entirely bright in the light of history. Some of it has been suppressed under folklore and legends. Even a few days ago, some historians thought that the Turks were one of the Ural-Altai-speaking groups. Modern research has shown that Altai language groups, such as Turkish, Mongolian, Manju-Tugu and Korean, do not have much contact with Uraksian languages ​​such as Finnish , Estonian , Hungarian, etc. However, almost all historians acknowledge that the Turks , like the Mongols , the Manju Balgars, and probably the Han, also belonged to a large Altai human group. According to Chinese sources ,A large nomadic group lived on the outskirts of the Chinese Empire. They are thought to have been of Mongol and Turkish descent. There was constant infighting between these groups. And in the midst of such wars in the sixth century we find a group called the Turks. Chinese historians call them 'tu-kiu'. People of Turkish descent , and former Bulgarians , Huns , Seljuks , Ottomans , Timurids , etc. After the First World War, the Ottoman Empire collapsed and present-day Turkey was born as the main Turkish state in the modern world. According to Article 8 of the Turkish Constitution , " Those who have Turkish citizenship are known as Turks."

History -

Turkey's history is long and eventful. People of many different races and cultures have occupied the area since ancient times. The Hittites lived here around 1900 BC. It was during their time that the first big city was built here. Then came the Pharisees , Greeks , Persians , Romans and Arabs. After the Arab conquest of Iran in the 7th century, some Turks converted to Islam and settled in the Islamic State. In the ninth and tenth centuries, many of these war-loving Turks began to enter the military and other branches of government. In the tenth century, most Turks converted to Islam. Notable among them are the Seljuk Turks. The great sultans of the half-world include Tughril Beg and the Turks ,He was born in Turkey. In 1243 the Seljuks were defeated by the Mongols. This limited the power of the Turkish sultans. Later, Osman I started the Ottoman Empire.


Istanbul, Turkey is not only a city but also a legend. Its old name is Constantinople. It was also known as Byzantium. In 1453, the Ottoman Sultan Muhammad II conquered the city and wrote his name in the pages of history. It was the capital of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire. The conquest of Constantinople marked the end of the Roman Empire, which lasted about 1,500 years. It was declared the capital of the then Ottoman Empire in 1453. The city was renamed Istanbul in 1930 and remained the capital of Turkey until 1923. Istanbul covers an area of ​​5,343 square kilometers. Asia and Europe are collectively called Eurasia , the dividing line of which is the Bosphorus , and the location of this ice system is in the ancient city of Istanbul. The Bosphorus Strait that flows through Istanbul has an area of ​​32 km. Black Sea to the north and Marble Sea to the south. The average depth of the system is about 50 meters. The width is somewhere less , again somewhere more. The ships of the European and Vulcan states sailed through this system. Numerous empires have risen and fallen in the history of Istanbul. The city of Istanbul was once the capital of Turkey. However , the capital was relocated as the city was under siege after World War I. That is why the importance of the ancient capital Istanbul has not waned in any part of its popularity. Istanbul was once the capital of the Byzantine Empire and later of the Ottoman Empire. Istanbul was listed as a European capital city by UNESCO in 2010. It is the only city with a geographical location on two continents. The planned city looks like a dream world. Napoleon Bonaparte once said , "If the whole world were to think of one state , Istanbul would be its capital.

Ottoman Empire ( 126-1924 AD )

The Ottoman Empire has been the center of communication between the East and the West for over 600 years . Artugrul Ghazi, the father of Usman Ghazi, was the dreamer of this empire. With the conquest of the Balkans by Murad I, the Ottoman Empire became a multinational empire and claimed the caliphate. The Ottomans overthrew the Byzantine Empire in 1453 with the conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Muhammad II. After the conquest of Hungary in 1526, a large kingdom was established in the Balkans of Europe. Ottoman Empire in southeastern Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries, especially during the reign of Sultan Solomon IRussia was a powerful multinational , multilingual empire extending across the Black Sea , West Asia , the Caucasus , North Africa, and the Horn of Africa , the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula to the north. Some of these were later merged with the empire and the rest were given some degree of autonomy. In 1914, Turkey took part in the First World War on behalf of the Axis Powers and was defeated. Turkey took part in the war mainly to protect its geographical integrity. At that time Turkish forces were deployed on four important fronts. The four fronts are Dardanelles , Sinai-Palestine ,Mesopotamia and Eastern Anatolia. Towards the end of the war, Turkish forces were defeated on each front. There was frustration among the Turkish forces at that time. Defeated Turkey on every front had no choice but to accept a ceasefire. On October 31, 1918, Turkish and British delegations signed a ceasefire agreement on the British Navy's Agamemnon, located on the seaport of Lemons Island . Turkey fell apart. Modern Turkey was later formed on the mainland of fragmented Turkey. It was founded by Mostafa Kemal Atatুrk. He is said to be the father of modern Turkey. This led to the fall of the 600-year-old Ottoman Empire. At the same time the Khilafah system was abolished from the Muslim world.

Saeed Nursi

Saeed Nursi (18-1970) also known as Badiuzzaman, was a Sunni Muslim theologian. Nursi was born in 18. Saeed Nursi, the fourth child of father Mirza and mother Nuri, belonged to the Kurdish clan. The child's name was Saeed. I mean lucky. Born in Nurses - so Nursi. Early childhood education was started at Muhammad Effendi's Madrasa. After studying at Madrasa of Shaikh Amin Effendi and later at several other educational institutions, he got his Certificate of Education from Shaikh Muhammad Jalali. 'Badiuzzaman' is his honorary title, Wonder of the Age. In English it was called 'The Most Unique and Superior Person of the Time'. Here he specializes in religious debates. Ustad Badiuzzaman Saeed Nursi initiated this mission with the aim of awakening faith and values ​​in the people during the critical period of consciousness and religious crisis. He did not deny the traditional Pir-Muridi and Sufism, But in the modern world, this trend has not been considered useful in attracting people to spiritual pursuits and self-purification. So Silsilagat came out of the ancient stream of spirituality and started a work of self-purification of man in a new and innovative way. He wrote a famous book called 'Risalaye Nur'. Its size is more than six thousand pages. These books are called Risala-i-Nur. Risala-i-Nur has been translated into 49 languages ​​of the world. Where he has answered people's life-questions in a new way. He has presented the true identity of faith in the form of research. The secular-minded people of modern Turkey were greatly attracted to his method. Risalaye Nur Granthkhani also began to be widely read and studied. Nur's famous book. Its size is more than six thousand pages. These books are called Risala-i-Nur. Risala-i-Nur has been translated into 49 languages ​​of the world. Where he has answered people's life-questions in a new way. He has presented the true identity of faith in the form of research. The secular-minded people of modern Turkey were greatly attracted to his method. Risalaye Nur Granthkhani also began to be widely read and studied. Nur's famous book. Its size is more than six thousand pages. These books are called Risala-i-Nur. Risala-i-Nur has been translated into 49 languages ​​of the world. Where he has answered people's life-questions in a new way. He has presented the true identity of faith in the form of research. The secular-minded people of modern Turkey were greatly attracted to his method. Risalaye Nur Granthkhani also began to be widely read and studied.
He did not look down on the majority. He did not like the controversy among the followers of Islam over the madhhab. He has said, "My path is the only right and true one, not the other," or "Excellence and beauty are only in my way, not in the other." That should never be said.
Considering modern science and logic as the path to the future, he was in favor of teaching religious knowledge in general schools and modern science in religious schools. Nursi started a faith-based movement. It currently has a wide following around the world. His followers are often referred to as "Nurju" or "Nur Jamaat". Saeed Nursi died in the early sixties. But his three decades of hard work left millions of devoted readers of Resalaye Nur all over Turkey. Leave countless followers. After his death, they were the ones who took over his mission, and they became famous all over the world as Nur Jamaat. At present America including Turkey, America, England, France, Middle East Saudi Arabia, Iran, The activities of Nursi Jamaat are going on in different countries of the world including Mauritania in Africa. The number of centers run by Nur in Madrasa in Istanbul, Turkey is over one thousand. The number is even higher in other provinces and cities in Turkey, officials said. Nur's activities are in Madrasa in 10 cities of Saudi Arabia. Turkish film Hur Adam was made in 2011 based on Nursi's biography.
Kamal Ataturk
In 1923, the Turkish-speaking territories of the Ottoman Empire, Anatolia and East Thrace, with the leadership of Mustafa Kemal (later Kemal Atatুrk), established the modern Republic of Turkey.
After taking power, he undertook a comprehensive reform program to build Turkey into a modern state. Many of his actions were against the spirit of the Islamist people in Turkey. Even then, reform was essential. In 1923 he declared Turkey a republic. And he became the first president of the republic. Thus began the journey of a modern Turkey. Atatুrk was President of Turkey until his death in 1938. He is a strong
Wanted to establish Turkey's identity as a modern European state. The principles of his government are known as Kamalism and have served as guidelines for all subsequent Turkish governments. One of Atatুrk's most controversial principles was secularism. Kamal's staunch followers believe that religion has no place in private life and that political parties should avoid religious issues.

Kemal Northern Turkey

On February 23, 1945, the country joined World War II. The country had no alternative but to deal with some of the situations that had arisen. After the war, the country joined the United Nations and NATO. Since then, multi-party politics has been introduced in Turkey. The role of religion in politics has been a contentious issue in Turkey since the 1950s. Turkey's military considers itself the guardian of Kemalism. From 1980 to 1980, the country experienced political instability. As a result, in 1970 ,A total of four times in 1981, 1980 and 1996, he interfered in Turkish politics in the interests of secularism. The last military coup in the country took place in 1996. But later the country returned to democracy. But protests in Gazi Park in 2013 and the Suruk bombing in 2015 sparked renewed unrest. Attempts to stage a military coup in 2016 failed in the face of widespread resistance from the Turkish people. The country now has a democratically elected government.


Turkish politics takes place in the framework of a multi-party parliamentary representative democratic republic. The Prime Minister is the head of government. The executive power of the state is vested in the government. The power to make laws is vested in both the government and the legislature. Turkey has a 550-seat parliament , whose members are elected by popular vote for five years. The majority party forms the government and the members of parliament elect the president for five years. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the current President of the country and Binali Yদldিরrিমm is the current Prime Minister of the country.

It's a party

Mustafa Kemal Atatর্কrk abolished the Ottoman Caliphate in 1923 and transformed Turkey into a strict secular republic. Religious groups are banned. When the Islamist party National Order Party was formed in 1980, it was banned. The Welfare Party was formed when the Islamist party National Salvation Party, formed in 1972, was banned in 1972. The party won the 1996 election and formed a government, but the Turkish military ousted Prime Minister Nazimuddin Arbakan. The party was banned on charges of religious affiliation . In 2001 , Erdogan abandoned the Welfare Party's religious identity and transformed it into a liberal and democratic party. Erdogan became prime minister in 2002 with a large majority. He became the President of Turkey in 2014 after serving three consecutive terms as Prime Minister.

Rajab Tayyip Erdogan

Turkey is the most powerful country in the Muslim world right now, considering the military. They are also members of the military alliance NATO. Due to Kemal Atatুrk's policy of a modern and secular nation-state, there is a kind of hesitation in the Islamic world about Turkey. However, Turkey's image is changing under Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan has been in power in Turkey for a long time, both as prime minister and president. He is known as an Islamist. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the 12th President of Turkey who has been in office since 2014. Erdogan was Prime Minister for 11 years before becoming President in 2014. In 2001, he founded AK Party (Justice and Development Party or AKP). Within a few days of its establishment, the party rose to the number one position through popular support. For the first time since 1974, the team is a one-party team in Turkish history, and 4 times in a row (2002)., 2008 , 2011 , 2014) won the parliamentary elections. Prior to becoming President, he served as President and Leader of the ruling party . He served as Prime Minister of Turkey from 2003 to 2014, and before that, as Mayor of Istanbul from 1994 to 1996, before assuming the presidency.After President Erdogan's Justice and Development Party came to power in 2002, Turkey's cultural and political identity shifted back to Islam. He rekindled historical ties with the Muslim world. He wanted to establish good trade relations with Arab countries in the interests of Turkey's economy. He is working to spread Islam in Turkey. Due to Erdogan's efforts, Ankara has already emerged as a political force in the Islamic world. After the failed coup attempt in 2016, President Erdogan's position in Turkey has become more consolidated. He has gained more constitutional and political power. Many now call him the new Sultan of Turkey, Suleiman. Various forums, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), are highlighting Erdogan's credentials. Erdogan spoke unequivocally at the OIC summit in Turkey in April 2016., ' I am not Sunni or Shia , my religion is Islam . 'Trade access agreements with the European Union , controlling inflation over the past decade and revaluation of the Turkish lira (Turkish currency) , lowering interest rates , developing relations with the Ottoman-ruled countries in the past and establishing a leading and friendly state. Neo-Ottomanism) , successful control of opposition protesters, etc. He is widely discussed in the world. In Turkey today, the country's military is under the full control of the civilian leadership. President Erdogan has publicly disagreed with the United States.Mr Erdogan was quoted on Twitter as the " leader of a terrorist state " . He described Gaza as an " open prison ." Erdogan's remarks have raised his fan base around the world .

Nobel laureate Turkey -

Orhan Pamuk is a Turkish novelist , screenwriter and teacher. Orhan, one of Turkey's leading authors, has sold more than 14 million books in more than 70 languages ​​and in more than 100 countries. He is one of the most famous fiction writers in Turkey. Turkish author Orhan Pamuk reached the pinnacle of popularity for his book My Name Is Red. The book, translated into 23 languages, won the World's Most Valuable Literary Award in 2003. Pamuk's thrilling 5th novel, New Life, published in 1995, set a record for the fastest-selling book. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006 for his postmodern and prolific literature. He is the only Turkish author to have won the prize. Pamuk was born in 1952 to a wealthy family in Istanbul. He started writing regularly from 1984.Aziz Sanjar, an American scientist of Turkish descent, is both a biochemist and a cytologist. In 2015, Turkish scientist Aziz Sanjar won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on reproducing damaged DNA. He was the first Turkish chemist and second Turkish (first Orhan Pamuk ) and third Muslim scientist (Muhammad Abdus Salam in physics in 1969 ,Ahmed Jewel Hassan won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1999. Aziz Sanjar was born on September 7, 1948, to a lower middle class family in the Savur district of Mardin province in Turkey. He is the seventh of 6 siblings. Born in the house of uneducated parents, he struggled to study. He is the co-founder of Aziz and Nguyen Sanjar. The institute promotes Turkish culture and helps Turkish students residing in the UK.

Administrative regions

For administrative convenience, Turkey is divided into 71 provinces. All divisions are again divided into seven regions. However, these seven regions are not an administrative division. Each province is divided into several districts. There are 923 districts in Turkey. The name of each province is the name of the capital of that province. And each provincial capital is the central district of the respective province. The largest city is Istanbul. It is the commercial , economic and cultural hub of Turkey . About 70.5% of the Turkish population lives in cities.

Foreign policy

Turkey is a founding member of the United Nations. It is also a member of OECD , OIC , OSCE , ECO , BSEC , D-7 and G20. On 16 October 2006, Turkey was elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council with the support of 151 countries. His membership came into effect on January 1, 2009. Turkey had previously been a temporary member of the UN Security Council in 1951-1952 , 1954-1955 and 1981. Relations with the West , Maintaining relations with Europe in particular is the main task of Turkey's foreign policy. Turkey is a founding member of the Council of Europe. The country applied for membership of the EEC in 1959 and was granted associate membership in 1983. In 1986, Turkey applied for full membership of the EEC. In 1992, Western became an associate member of the European Union. The country signed an agreement in 1995 to become a full member of the EU. According to the agreement, the agreement was signed on October 3, 2005. However, the agreement is not over yet. It is expected that negotiations will continue until the end of Turkey's dispute with other European countries over Greek Cyprus.In addition, another feature of Turkish foreign policy is the relationship with the United States. Here both countries have common interests. And that is to deal with the Soviet aggression. To that end, Turkey joined NATO in 1952. Through this, the country developed bilateral relations with Washington. After the Cold War, Turkey became involved in Middle Eastern politics. Turkey has a NATO air base near the Iraq-Syria border. Turkey has good relations with Israel . After 1960 , Turkey established economic relations with East Asian countries. The country is particularly involved in large-scale trade with Japan and South Korea. In all these cases, Turkey has received huge support from the United States.

Military power

Turkey's defense forces are the second largest among NATO nations. The United States alone has a larger defense force than Turkey. Turkey joined NATO in 1952. The Turkish Defense Forces consist of army , navy and air force. Although the Gendarmerie and the Coast Guard worked under the Ministry of the Interior, during the war they followed the command of the army and navy, respectively. Although the two armies have their own laws at the time, they comply with certain military rules. Turkey's defense forces are the second largest among the NATO nations. The United States alone has a larger defense force than Turkey. Turkey has a total of 1,043,550 military members in the Defense Department. Turkey is one of the five NATO member states that has adopted a joint nuclear program. The rest of the countries are Belgium ,Germany , Italy and the Netherlands. In 1998, Turkey undertook a 1.6 trillion program to modernize the defense sector. Turkish forces are working in various international missions. They are participating in various missions under the auspices of the United Nations and NATO. Members of the Turkish Armed Forces are currently working in Somalia under the auspices of the UN peacekeeping force. He also assisted the joint forces in peace missions in the former Yugoslavia and in the First Gulf War. There are currently 36,000 Turkish troops serving in Turkish-recognized Cyprus, and Turkish troops have been serving in Afghanistan since 2001, along with NATO-led forces. Turkey deployed several warships and 600 troops in the area in 2006 as part of a UN peacekeeping mission to avoid an Israeli-Lebanese conflict.The president appoints the country's army chief but is accountable to the prime minister. The country's cabinet is accountable to parliament for national security. Declaration of war, sending troops abroad or setting up bases for foreign troops inside the country require parliamentary approval.Air Force The Turkish Air Force is smaller than it needs to be. Despite opposing US policy in several cases, the country's air force is equipped with a 90-seat single-engine US F-16C fighter jet.

Art and literature

The influence of the Islamic world is evident in Turkish literature and other works. The influence of Persian and Arabic literature can be seen in Turkish literature. At one time the influence of European literature on Turkish folklore increased, but now it is slowly diminishing again.

Religion and Culture Dervish (saint) dance during Sema. Today, Turkey is a constitutionally secular country with no state religion, and the constitution emphasizes the guarantee of religious freedom for every citizen. However, according to statistics , 98.5 percent of the population in Turkey is Muslim, 0.3 percent is Christian and 3.2 percent is non-Muslim. Turkey's culture is diverse. They have developed a hybrid culture with a mixture of Greek , Roman , Islamic and Western cultures. During the Ottoman Empire, Western culture flourished in Turkey and continues to this day. During the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, huge sums of money were invested in the modernization of the cultural world. In various branches of fine arts, especially museums , theaters ,These investments are made in various branches including opera house and other architecture. After the establishment of the republic, religion was separated from state life in Turkey with the aim of transforming it into a modern nation-state. But after a long time, the system is going to change again.

Sports The most popular sport in Turkey is football. Their greatest achievement in football was their third place finish in the 2002 Japan-South Korea World Cup. The latest achievement is that the Turkish football team was able to reach the semi-finals of the 2006 Euro Cup. Among other sports, basketball and volleyball are very popular . Turkey was the host country of Euro Basketball in 2001 . The Turkish team won the second place in that tournament. Apart from this, their achievement in volleyball is also very good. However, the national sport of Turkey is the traditional Yagli Gures or Oiled Wrestling. The game has been considered a national sport since the time of the Ottomans .Turkey's national wrestlers have the honor of being world and Olympic champions. Among other sports, weightlifting and motor racing are very popular among the Turks. In weightlifting, the Turks are proud to be world champions. In this case, they have won Olympic medals and European medals several times.

Head of agriculture

For centuries, Turkey was a largely agricultural country. At present, farms are a major part of the Turkish economy and employ 34% of the country's labor force. However, since World War II, there has been a massive expansion of industry and services in Turkey , especially in finance , transportation , and professional and government services. On the other hand, the role of agriculture has decreased. Textile and textile industries are the main source of exports of the country. With the economic transformation, the rate of urbanization has also increased a lot. Currently 85% of Turkey's population lives in cities. Even in 1950, only 21% lived in the city. 90% of the population lives in the Asian part of Turkey. The remaining 10% live in Europe.


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

যে গাছ ইহুদিদের আশ্রয় দেবে অর্থাৎ ইহুদিদের বন্ধু গাছ

রক্তপাতহীন মক্কা বিজয়ের দিন আজ

খন্দক যুদ্ধ কারণ ও ফলাফল