An oppressed caliph

No other ruler in contemporary history has been the victim of slander and propaganda during the lifetime of Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Sultan Abdul Hamid II (21 September 1842 - 10 February 1917) was the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. When his father Sultan Abdul Majid died in 181, his uncle Abdul Aziz took over the caliphate. When he was killed in 18, his brother Murad V took over the helm. Murad V is believed to have been involved in a plot to assassinate his uncle, along with the Jewish organization Free Mission. After his ascension to power, the matter became clear. Murad V, on the advice of the Jewish lobby, turned the caliphate into a basic monarchy. The caliph became the nominal ruler and the executive power passed into the hands of the Uzair and Pasha. Within a few months of ascending the masnad, the 5th Murad showed signs of cerebral palsy. After a few months, when he could not be healed under any circumstances, Then Abdul Hamid's call cam...