Muslims and Islam in Sweden

Sweden is a country in the Scandinavian region of Western Europe. The largest city and capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Sweden is bordered by Finland to the northeast, Norway to the west and the Oresund Bridge to the southwest. 295 square kilometers. It is the third largest country in Europe. Sweden is one of the least populous regions in Europe. According to a 2017 report from the Swedish Agency for Support to Faith Communities, there were 170,915 Muslims in Sweden who practiced their religion regularly; This count came from those registered with Islamic congregations. The immigration has been the main driver of spreading Islam in Sweden since the late 1960s. Population increases between 2004-2012 have been attributed to immigrants from Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan. The US Department of State sets the figure at around 6% (almost 600,000) of the total Swedish population. The population density is 20.6 people per square kilometer. According to the Central Intelligence Agency's 2011...