
মে ১৮, ২০২২ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে


Qatar is a country in the Persian Gulf. Qatar is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the south and Bahrain to the west. Like the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar is a hot and dry desert. There are no surface water bodies and the number of animals and plants is negligible. Capital- Doha Area: 11,517 sq km area. It is the 157th largest country in the world in terms of area. The population is about 26 lakh 41 thousand. There are more males than females in Qatar. Religions- About 8% of the population believe in Islam , 13.7% in Christianity , 13.7% in Hinduism and 3.1% in Buddhism. Language: Arabic is the official language of Qatar. About 56% of the people here speak Arabic. About a quarter of the people speak Persian. The rest speak other languages ​​of the Indian subcontinent and the Philippine Islands. English is used in international affairs. Currency -Rial. History: Life has been found in Qatar since prehistoric times. According to archaeologist de Cardi, life existed in Qatar. The weather was rainy

The country of Eurasia is Turkey

The country of Eurasia ( Europe Asia ) is Turkey. A quadrilateral country . The Xian Sea and Greece to the west of the country ; Northeast Georgia , Armenia and the Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan Nakhchivan ; Formerly Iran ; To the south are Iraq , Syria and the Mediterranean. Europe's confluence with Europe has had a profound effect on the evolution of Turkish history and culture. Throughout the history of human civilization, Turkey has served as a bridge between the peoples of Asia and Europe. Turkey's own identity has been shaped by a variety of influences, and this rich culture has influenced its architecture ,In fine arts , music and literature. Many past traditions and customs are still preserved in the countryside. Almost the whole of Turkey falls in the Asian part , the mountainous Anatolia or the Asia Minor Peninsula. The Turkish capital Ankara is located in Anatolia. The rest of Turkey is called Eastern or Turkish Thrace, and it is located in the southeastern cor