In Vietnam Muslim & Muslim society

Vietnam is a state located on the east coast of the Indo-China Peninsula. The country is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, and the South China Sea to the south and east. The total area of ​​Vietnam is three lakh 29 thousand 246 square kilometers. The shape of the country is very similar to the English letter S It stretches from the Chinese border in the north to the Gulf of Thailand in the south, about 1,500 kilometers north-south. Hanoi has been the capital of Vietnam since the reunification of North and South Vietnam in 1976. Ho Chi Minh City is the largest city. Vietnam is a one-party constitutional republic ruled by the Communist Party. The country gained independence on September 2, 1945. With a population of 89.6 million , there are 53 different ethnic and linguistic groups living in Vietnam. However, the people of Vietnam or Vietnamese people are the majority. The majority of the people in the country are followers of Buddhism. The three oldest religions in Vietnam are Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. These are known as trinity in Vietnam. There are also significant minority communities of Roman Catholic Christianity, Cao Dai, and Huao Ho. In recent centuries, Protestant Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Theravada Buddhism have become prevalent in Vietnam. Muslims are the smallest of the six religious groups in Vietnam.Although the culture of Vietnam is influenced by the Chinese, the Muslims maintain a separate culture even though they are a very small population there. According to the 1999 census of Vietnam, there were 63,148 Muslims. More than 77% lived in the south central coast, 34% in Ninah Thuan Province, 24% in Ben Thuan Province and 9% in Ho Chi Minh City; Another 22% lived in the Mekong Delta, mainly in Anjiang Province. Only 1% of Muslims lived in other parts of the country. Muslims live in an area called District-6 on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City. These Muslims living in the metropolitan area are known as Cham Muslims. More than 1300 Muslims live in this suburb. They have halal restaurants, a large mosque and madrasa. From this, students are sent to Malaysia every year for higher education. In Vietnam, the number of Cham Muslims is more than 1 lakh. The Muslim people are known as the Cham people in a remote village on the Cambodian border along the Mekong River in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. During the reign of Uthman Ibn Affan, the third caliph of Islam, the first Muslim ambassador was sent to Vietnam and the Tang dynasty of China in 650. Early in the history of Islam, Muslim traders were reportedly stopped at beaches through the ports of the Champa kingdom. Trade with Vietnamese continued during the Abbasid Caliphate after the fall of the Tang Dynasty.Hundreds of years ago, Hindus ruled the southern and central parts of Vietnam. They were known as Cham. Gradually they converted to Islam but became Muslims. From the 2nd to the 17th century, South Vietnam was under the Cham kingdom, which was ethnically related to the Malays. The prosperity of the kingdom came mainly through the trade of slaves and sandalwood by sea. The propagation of Islam in this region started from the 11th century. In the seventeenth century, King Cham formally converted to Islam and began to spread Islam widely among his people. In the same century, the Vietnamese aggression halted the spread of Islam. As a result, Islam may not have reached the mainland of Vietnam very easily, and most of its people are still Hindus or Buddhists. Most of the Cham people fled to Cambodia in the wake of the Vietnamese aggression. According to their name, the main area of ​​their residence in Cambodia is Kampong Cham or the port of Chamder. Many also fled to Malaysia. Few people live in isolation in Vietnam.

Researchers say that 80 percent of the skins adhere to Islamic teachings. In Vietnam, there are about 40 mosques and 21 suras. The Muslims in Vietnam mostly live in Ho Chi Minh City and An Giang Province, therefore, the largest sanctums are all located in these areas. There are about 18 mosques in Ho Chi Minh City. Among these, several mosques have been set up with foreign assistance. The Jamiul Anwar Mosque was rebuilt in 2006 in the Chamdar area with funding from the United Arab Emirates and the Red Crescent. Despite support from Middle Eastern countries, Cham Muslims maintain the closest ties with Malaysia and Indonesia. Many older Muslims have performed the holy pilgrimage. Most Muslims are named in Arabic. Cham Muslim women wear plain hijab and teledhala. It is also seen in Vietnam.


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